The beauty that doesn't rinse off... ;)

The beauty that doesn't rinse off... ;)
Like me, you must have seen many pictures when searching around for eyebrows nanoblading. Some of them are amazing, and some, a nightmare, right? I wouldn't trust my eyebrows or my face to any person, so why should you?
I have done a lot of research myself, and no doubt that the Phibrows technique is the best one for you as well!:
1- The best training - Phibrows is a very lengthy, strict, and thorough program that produces the best artists worldwide.
2- The best products - The Phibrows products are not tested on animals, they are vegan, free of heavy metals (normally found in the concurrent brands), non-allergic, and made with high quality pigments that do not change color or migrate after a while.
3- The best tools and techniques - Phibrows technique and tools are always being improved, allowing their artists to produce perfect hair strokes, resulting in beautiful and symmetrical eyebrows that are shaped for your natural facial features. The founder of Phibrows, Branko Babic, invented the famous compass that is used to distinguish where your brows are supposed to start, arch, and end.
4- Phibrows artists use the technology in their favor - With the technology of the Phibrows apps artists can double check measurements and symmetry, chose pigment color, know more about aftercare, shopping for products, and more.
5- Phibrows artists determine the perfect eyebrows for your face - Through precise measuring, Phibrows artists create the perfect eyebrows for your face, based on your natural facial features and bone structure. We use the PhiCompass to measure your unique bone structure and proportions to determine the best brows for you along with your desired look.
6- Safety is as important as quality for a Phibrows artist - Phibrows is the only nanoblading academy in the world which has physicians that can be contacted at any time. Additionally, all the products are pre-sterilized and disposable to ensure the safest practices.
Because of all of these reasons, and my own eyebrows, I fell in love with Phibrows and decided to become an artist myself!
So, are you ready to change your eyebrows and your self esteem forever? Don't wait, book an appointment now!
The beauty that doesn't rinse off... ;)
PhiBrows is a manual, semi-permanent technique of hyper-realistic eyebrow drawing in which the shape of eyebrows is calculated according to facial morphology and golden proportion (phi 1,618). This method is perfect for anyone who wants to correct their current eyebrow shape and symmetry, add volume, or fill in sparse areas. It is also suitable for clients with no hairs, as we will create a new, beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows.
Please, read elegibility and pre care before making an appointment.
Duration: Around 3 hours.
After the healing period is finished, you will need a touch up. It is usually required 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure. Give your brows this time to heal properly and the pigment color to settle into the skin before making your appointment. *One touch-up is included on the price of the first treatment before (maximum 8 weeks after first treatment).
Duration: Around 1 hour.
PhiBrows is a manual, semi-permanent technique of hyper-realistic eyebrow drawing in which the shape of eyebrows is calculated according to facial morphology and golden proportion (phi 1,618). This method is perfect for anyone who wants to correct their current eyebrow shape and symmetry, add volume, or fill in sparse areas. It is also suitable for clients with no hairs, as we will create a new, beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows.
Please, read elegibility and pre care before making an appointment.
Duration: Around 2 hours.
Flat fee for service.
After the healing period is finished, you will need a touch up. It is usually required 4-8 weeks after the initial procedure. Give your brows this time to heal properly and the pigment color to settle into the skin before making your appointment. *One touch-up is included on the price of the first treatment before (maximum 8 weeks after first treatment).
Duration: 30 MIN

If you fall into one of these categories, you may not be eligible for the procedure. Please, contact us so your case can be evaluated:
- If you are pregnant or breast-feeding
- If you have any skin condition, such as keloid, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, super sensitive skin or rosacea
- If you take blood thinners, accutane, or heart medications
- If you have any autoimmune disorder, heart condition, diabetes, epilepsy, cold/flu, or had chemotherapy within the last year (We may need a note from your doctor authorizing the procedure)
- If you had botox or chemical peelings done 1 week before your appointment
- If you had your brows previously tattooed
- If you are allergic to lidocaine or epinephrine
- If you had any recent surgery less than a month before
- If you have poor blood clotting, hemophilia, etc.
-Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. Pinpoint bleeding throughout the procedure is normal, but excessive bleeding causes the pigment to fade very quickly and heal ashy.
- If your skin is super tanned, sunburned or flaky
- Although allergic reactions are very rare, people with allergies or possible allergy to ink should let us know so we can perform a patch test.
We understand how important it is for the you to know how your eyebrows will look after the procedure. In this stage, we check if your are a good candidate, we explain how the technique works, the aftercare, and answer any other question you have.
Eyebrows measurements and symmetry checking:
We use special tools to draw symmetrical eyebrows that goes with your beautiful face and bone structure. We make sure that your eyes are closed because in this way the muscles are relaxed, achieving the best results. We also ask you if you prefer a natural color or a darker shade. Once you approve the shape and color, we apply the numbing cream, and then we move on to the nanoblading process. The procedure has been described as very tolerable, some clients even sleep during the process.
The shortest part of the process. A small handheld tool is used to implant the pigment into the skin, the artist draws hair-like strokes, in the direction of your natural hair growth, that resemble natural hair. The final result is the most beautiful and natural brows.
In this stage, we will instruct you of how to take care of your eyebrows so they can heal properly. Being upfront with what to expect is important because nobody likes surprises, especially when it’s on your face!
The typical timeline on what you can expect during the healing process is described below:
Day 1-3: Your brows will appear darker and bolder than they will be when finished healing. It may be swollen and irritated, depending on your skin sensitivity.
Days 4-5: Your brows will begin to lighten. Tiny pieces of your brows may start to flake. This is not the same as a scab. Tiny pieces only.
Days 6-7: Your brows will appear very light and you will wonder if this is normal…Yes it is! But be patient!
Days 8-30: The final color begins to come back and show through. Your brows may be 30% lighter than day 1.
We will see you back in about 4-6 weeks for the touch-up to make any changes in color, shape, or fullness to the brows. Be patient and enjoy your gorgeous brows!
You DO NOT need to wax, tweeze, or thread your brows prior to the appointment. We will clean them for you!
Avoid alcohol or caffeine 24-48 hours before the procedure.
Avoid sun and tanning products on your face two weeks prior to procedure.
Do not take aspirin, fish oil, niacin, vitamin E, Ibuprofen, or any other blood thinner 72 hours before procedure.
Discontinue Retin-a, microdermabrasion, and any "brightening" chemical at least 2 weeks prior to procedure.
Note: Women will be more sensitive to pain during their menstrual cycle.
The typical timeline on what you can expect during the healing process is described below:
Day 1-3: Your brows will appear darker and bolder than they will be when finished healing. It may be swollen and irritated, depending on your skin sensitivity.
Days 4-5: Your brows will begin to lighten. Tiny pieces of your brows may start to flake. This is not the same as a scab. Tiny pieces only.
Days 6-7: Your brows will appear very light and you will wonder if this is normal…Yes it is! But be patient!
Days 8-30: The final color begins to come back and show through. Your brows may be 30% lighter than day 1.
We will see you back in about 4-6 weeks for the touch-up to make any changes in color, shape, or fullness to the brows. Be patient and enjoy your gorgeous brows!
AFTER CARE: Post treatment care contributes to 70% of the treatments success. Following carefully the instructions will give you the best possible results for your skin type and promote good healing.
30 minutes to 1 hour After Treatment
Gently wipe the area with a damp cotton pad to remove all the lymph and previously applied cream.
Apply a thin layer of ointment with a clean q-tip, avoid using your fingers.
Repeat the above process every 3 hours to keep the wound clean and avoid scab formation.
Apply the plastic film to sleep after applying the ointment.
DAYS 2-7
Avoid wetting your eyebrows in the shower and when washing your face.
Apply a very thin layer of ointment with a clean q-tip once a day if you have super dry skin, avoid using your fingers. If you have normal to oily skin avoid the ointment for the 7 days.
Use the hard plastic shield to shower, clean the forehead and stick above your brows.
Go back to wash your face and wear sunscreen.
Do not pick, scratch or peel the healing area.
Do not apply any make-up or products on eyebrows.
Avoid sleeping on the face.
Avoid direct sun exposure.
Avoid working out to prevent sweating for 7 days.
Avoid water on eyebrows during shower for at least 7 days or until healed.
Avoid facial massage, facial steaming, and sauna.
Avoid sunbathing, solarium, light therapies, chemical peelings, fruit acids, microdermabrasion, and creams that contain regeneration factors over the treated area.
Always avoid laser treatments over the treated area (Fraxel Laser, IPL), because they can destroy the pigment and cause burns.
The use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can also lead to faster pigment fading.